
Cambs and Hunts Womens Golf Ltd

Ramsey Golf Club Barkway Golf Club Girton Golf CLub Royston Golf Club Heydon Grange Golf Club The Gog Magog Golf Club Kingsway Golf Club The Links Golf Club Lakeside Lodge Golf and Country Club St Neots Golf Club The Old Nene Golf and Country Club Brampton Park Golf Club March Golf Club The Cambridgeshire Golf Club Ely City Golf Club St Ives Golf Club Cambridge Country Club Saffron Walden Golf Club Cambridge Meridian Golf Club

Representing the County

County Captain: Laura Todd  - County 2nd Team Captain: Jayne Miles
Seniors’ Captain: Cath Emery  - County Junior Organiser:  Chloe Ryan 

CHWGL is a small county when compared with our neighbours in the East Region, but despite this we always strive to compete to the best of our collective ability. We encourage all lower handicap ladies and junior girls to get involved in our squad set-up. The main squad comprises players for 1st and 2nd Team under the leadership of Laura Todd, County Captain and Jayne Miles, County 2nd Team Captain; Senior squad under the leadership of Cath Emery and Junior County Organiser under the leadership of Chloe Ryan.

Our key objective is to motivate, organise, build teamwork and provide training and support all those players with the potential to join the County squad(s) and who can commit to the schedule of training and matches.

For 2025 we have a new approach to managing who is available and squad communication for 1st Team and 2nd Team  squad which is using the SPOND application.  Please download the app from your iOS or Android app store. 

If you would like to be considered to play for the teams, please contact  Laura or Jayne   who  will then send you an invite to join SPOND.  

County 1st Team

The 1st team matches are all played over 3 consecutive days in July.  This year 1st Team County week is being held at John O’Gaunt Golf Club in Bedfordshire.  Practice day is Sunday June 29th 2025 with the East Region Match days against Bedfordshire, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Hertfordshire played Monday June 30th through Wednesday July 2nd 2025. Over the three days, each team plays the other counties.

Each match involves three singles and two foursomes matches. The winning team with the highest number of points accumulated over the three days wins and goes onto to play in the England Finals, which takes place in September.  Seven players will compete in each match.

The team for County Match Days is selected by the County Captains and 1st Team selection will be announced after the CHWGL County Championship. 

1st Team Selection

The players selected for the 1st Team will be selected using the following principles:

Performance in County Champs
Performance in Margery Newport Trophy
Handicap Index
Playing record from the year to date with evidence of 6 qualifying cards being submitted over the preceding 9 months
Previous County experience (1st team, 2nd team, juniors)
Commitment to the county

Due to the nature of County match days all players also need to be capable of playing 5 rounds of golf in 3 days.

County 2nd Team

The 2nd Team matches are all played over 3 consecutive days in August.  This year 2nd Team County week is being held at Stowmarket Golf Club in Suffolk.  Practice day is Sunday August 17th 2025 with the East Region Match days against Bedfordshire, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and Hertfordshire played Monday August 18th through Wednesday August 20th 2025. Over the three days, each team plays the other counties.

Each match is played in the same format as 1st Team and involves three singles and two foursomes matches.

The team for County Match Days is selected by the County Captains and 2nd Team selection will be finalised as soon as possible after the CHWGL County Championship recognising selection of the 1st Team takes priority.  Seven players will compete in each match.

2nd Team Selection

The 2nd Team offers the opportunity for players to gain experience of county golf and offers a training opportunity.  Ideally the Team will be a mix of people who have the potential to become 1st team players in the future and more experienced people for the less experienced to learn from. There is no point in having a second team if we are not developing future county first team players. All second team players should ideally be able to play 36 holes in a day.

The players selected for the 2nd Team will be selected using the following principles, which unsurprisingly are very similar to the criteria for the 1st Team:

Did not play in county 1st Team in 2025
Performance in County Championships
Performance in Margery Newport Trophy 
Handicap Index
Playing record from the year to date with evidence of 6 qualifying cards being submitted over the preceding 9 months
Commitment to the county

Squad Training Sessions in 2025

With Foursomes being a major element of County golf and having strong foursomes partnerships is a key element to success. We are in the process of booking in Foursomes practice sessions which will be both intersquad Foursomes practice and friendly matches. We have the aim of arriving at both county weeks with strong foursomes partnership. Updates on these sessions will be communicated to the squad via Spond.

Please come along and support your county team

Representing the CHWGL as a player can be a challenging and intense experience. We know from what the players tell us, that having spectators adorned in pale blue following them round raises everyone’s spirits.

Coming along as a spectator gives you the opportunity to make a real contribution by spurring the players on and boosting their spirits. You can also enjoy watching some excellent amateur golf. Please put at least one day in your diary.

We also have a series of county matches for Seniors and Juniors (who additionally compete in other East Region junior competitions).

Latest News

East Region Ladies match v. Cambridge University Ladies

Monday 10th March 2025

This weekend saw the annual match of East Region Ladies v. Cambridge University Ladies at Royal Worlington & Newmarket.

Julie Walter Lifetime Achievement Award 2025

Monday 20th January 2025

JULIE WALTER LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2025 The winner is an individual who has taken on many roles within her home club of Lakeside Lodge, Cambs & Hunts and the East Region over the last three decades - Dr Sheila Withams

Adriennes Trophy Finally Played!

Tuesday 29th October 2024

After 'Storm Ashley' postponed play last week at Kingsway - Girton GC very kindly offered to host the Junior Girls 'Adriennes Trophy' last Sunday

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